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Apply for 2024: it’s your future, make it count

Join a university that holds Gold ratings overall, for student experience, and for student outcomes in the latest Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

Students sat at a table on campus.

Visit us at undergraduate open day: 19 June 2024
Come on in and experience our campus and city, meet lecturers and learn more about studying here

Hoe image for the prospectus

Meet us in June at a UCAS or higher education fair
Take advantage of a great opportunity to chat with us and learn more about what it's like to study here

Five postgraduate students walking by the sea on Plymouth Hoe (full bleed)

Learn how you can make a difference with a masters
Take your learning and your career further by making the most of our rewarding postgraduate opportunities


Leading reputation for innovating and influencing energy solutions

Find out how we’re advancing knowledge and accelerating offshore renewable energy developments


Our new first-of-its-kind UK Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Test facility

Energy Security

Our contribution to the UK’s energy security agenda

Celtic Sea floating offshore wind

Floating offshore wind solutions for Celtic Sea developers

We use our expertise and state-of-the-art facilities for action, working in partnership, and investing in people and skills to address the sustainable exploitation of our oceans.

Professor Judith Petts CBE
Vice-Chancellor and CEO, University of Plymouth

Events coming up

Degree Show 24
Degree Show 24

Celebratory showcase of final year work by students from the School of Art, Design and Architecture

1 June 2024 - 5 June 2024
*Excludes those travelling, retired or caring for someone, out of all UK domiciled, full-time first-degree graduates. Contains HESA Data: Copyright JISC 2022. JISC cannot accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived by third parties from its data.