Accrediting Bodies

Who is responsible for program accreditation?

Accreditation of programs in engineering, engineering technology and computing is conducted by many organizations, ranging from governmental or quasi governmental bodies to private and volunteer associations. In some regions, accreditation is regulated by laws, while in others it is a voluntary process with little official recognition. Recognition of accrediting bodies is similarly made in some places by local or national governmental agencies, and in others, by voluntary associations of existing accrediting bodies.

Many accrediting bodies are limited to institutions in a single country, while others engage in accreditation outside the country where they have been established or incorporated. The following is a list of accrediting bodies, as well as an option to view a list by country.  Selecting the name of the organization will provide a page with further details, links, and a list of associated accords and agreements. 

Accrediting Organizations

Select a country below to limit the list of accrediting bodies to those currently accrediting programs in a specific country.

Baltimore, MD
United States

Accrediting in: United States, Austria, Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam

ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental agency that accredits programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. They provide voluntary, specialized accreditation for post-secondary programs within degree-granting institutions already recognized by national or regional institutional accreditation agencies or national education authorities worldwide.



South Korea

Accrediting in: South Korea

Since its founding in 1999, the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (ABEEK) has strived to assure the quality of educational programs in engineering and related disciplines, and to enhance the professional competence of the graduates of those programs in Korea. ABEEK aims to promote the development of engineering education and produce qualified engineers by providing the accreditation of college educational programs in engineering and related fields and the consultation through the criteria and guidelines suggested for those programs.