Samara National Research University

Advanced Space Technologies and Experiments in Space (Master) [24][40]
Air Transport Management and Control [24][40]
Aircraft Engineering [24][40]
Design and Construction of Space Monitoring and Transportation Systems [24][40]
Design of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants [24][40]
Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in an Industrial Enterprise [24][40]
GNSS receivers. Hardware and Software (Master) [24][40]
Information Systems [24][40]

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University - LETI

Acoustic Devices and Systems (Master) [24][40]
Computer-Aided Design in Electronics and Engineering (Master) [24][40]
IT Projects and Products Management (Master) [24][40]
Information Technologies of Designing of Radio-Electronic Means (Master) [24][40]
Integrated Navigation Technologies (Master) [24][40]
Local Measuring and Computing Systems (Master) [24][40]
Microwave Engineering (Master) [24][40]
Nanotechnology and Diagnostics (Master) [24][40]
Quantum and Optical Electronics (Master) [24][40]

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Architecture of Residential, Public and Industrial Buildings (Master) [24][40]
Design of Buildings and Special Facilities (Master) [24][40]
Geological Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Solid Minerals [24][40]
Innovative Technologies in Oil and Gas Prospecting and Exploration (Master) [24][40]
Internal Combustion Engines (Master) [24][40]
Operation and Technical Examination of Motor Vehicles (Master) [24][40]
Steam- and Gas Turbine Plants and Engines (Master) [24][40]
Structural Theory and Engineering (Master) [24][40]