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Tamil Nadu

Aeronautical Engineering [11]
Automobile Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Polymer Engineering [11]

Satyamangalam // Tamil Nadu // India

Biotechnology [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering [11]
Fashion Tech. [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Textile Tech. [11]

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research
Chennai // Tamil Nadu // India

Aeronautical Engineering [11]
Automobile Engineering [11]
Civil Engineering Technology [33]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology [33]
Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology [33]
Mechanical Engineering Technology [33]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Chemical Engineering [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Chennai // Tamil Nadu // India

Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science & Engineering [11]
Electrical & Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics & Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Tiruvallur // Tamil Nadu // India

Biotechnology [11][33]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11][33]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Automobile Engineering [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical & Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics & Communication Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Production Engineering [11]

Tamilnadu // Tamil Nadu // India

Aeronautical Engineering [11]
Aerospace Engineering [11]
Automobile Engineering [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science & Engineering [11]
Electrical & Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics & Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Mechatronics [11]

Tiruchengode // Tamil Nadu // India

Biotechnology [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Textile Technology [11]

Tiruchengode // Tamil Nadu // India

Computer Science & Engineering [11]
Electronics & Communication Engineering [11]

Kalasalingam University
Virudhunagar // Tamil Nadu // India

Automobile Engineering Technology [33]
Biological Engineering Technology [33]
Biotechnology [11]
Chemical Engineering Technology [33]
Civil Engineering Technology [11][33]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology [11][33]
Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology [33]
Food Technology [33]
Information Technology [33]
Mechanical Engineering Technology [33]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Biotechnology [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Erode // Tamil Nadu // India

Chemical Engineering [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering [11]
Food Technology [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Mechatronics [11]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Biomedical Engineering [11]
Chemical Engineering [11]
Computer Science & Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics & Communication Engineering [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

Coimbatore // Tamil Nadu // India

Aeronautical Engineering [11]
Biotechnology [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Electronics and Electrical Engineering [11]
Fashion Tech. [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]
Mechatronics [11]
Textile Tech. [11]

Karur // Tamil Nadu // India

Computer Science and Engineering [11]

Namakkal // Tamil Nadu // India

Computer Science and Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]

Virudhunagar // Tamil Nadu // India

Biotechnology [11]
Civil Engineering [11]
Computer Science & Engineering [11]
Electrical and Electronics Engineering [11]
Electronics and Communication Engineering [11]
Information Technology [11]
Mechanical Engineering [11]

About Accredited Program Listings provides a continually updated directory of accredited engineering, engineering technology, and computing degree programs throughout the world. Included programs have been identified as accredited by a recognized accrediting body as fully accredited (not provisional). We annually refresh data for each country, so there is a possibility of a change in accreditation status during the year.  We recommend reconfirming the accreditation status of a program with both the university and accrediting body prior to embarking on a degree, or hiring an employee.  We attempt to be comprehensive but errors may occur. We welcome feedback on any errors or missing degrees. Please read complete Accredited Degree Search Usage Policy for full details and user agreement.

We only include listings that have been accredited specifically at the program level, which is different from institutional accreditation.  All degrees are at the bachelor level unless otherwise noted.  Find out more about program vs. institutional accreditation.

What is this?PEC

After the degree name, we include the acronym of the accrediting body responsible for the program's accreditation. Move your mouse over the icon to see the full name of each accrediting body, and click to learn more about the organization...or find out more about all accrediting bodies