To mark the 30th anniversary of its founding, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee hosted a large-scale international professional event to celebrated their jubilee which was attended by many of MAB’s Hungarian and international partners. Events included a review of the role and quality assurance aspects of learning-based approaches to accreditation.
The Inaugural ENAEE European Accreditation Agencies’ Summit took place at the Headquarters of the Order of Engineers in Lisbon. Organised by ENAEE in collaboration with the Order of Engineers, this landmark event brought together leaders from ENAEE member agencies for insightful discussions on advancing engineering education, training and professional accreditation. This first edition of the ENAEE – European Accreditation Agencies’ Summit marked a significant step forward in the mission to elevate engineering education and ensure that future engineers are well-equipped to meet the demands of modern society. ENAEE authorises accreditation and quality assurance agencies to award the EUR-ACE® (EURopean- ACcredited Engineer) label to their accredited engineering degree programmes at the Bachelor and Master level. EUR-ACE® is a framework and accreditation system that provides a set of standards that identifies high-quality engineering degree programmes in Europe and abroad. The summit offered a unique platform for Europe's engineering accreditation agencies to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices, paving the way for future initiatives aimed at improving engineering education in the interests of people, planet and prosperity.
The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) India is hosting the International Engineering Alliance Meetings 2024 (IEAM 2024). The International Engineering Alliance Meetings can be attended by the representatives of accreditation bodies who are permanent or provisional signatories to Accord(s) or Agreement(s) maintained by the IEA. Working groups will meet regarding mobility, virtual accreditation, and emerging models for engineering program accreditation.
EDUNINE is the annual conference of the IEEE Education Society organized jointly with COPEC for Region 9 (Latin America). This conference is part of the list of regional conferences of this Society that are: FIE, EDUCON, EDUNINE, and TALE.
Proceedings of past conferences are available online.
The Annual CTI conference focused on quality assurance and accreditation of French engineering education. It signals the launch of the years accreditation efforts and includes a range of meetings and speakers related to accreditation. The theme for the 2024 event is "Engineer in an uncertain environment," and is focused on both diplomas and skills.
The Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference is a major international conference focusing on educational innovations and research in engineering and computing education. The IEEE Education Society founded the conference in 1971. The American Society for Engineering Education joined as a co-sponsor in 1973. In 1995, the IEEE Computer Society became a sponsor and together these three groups have continued to plan high quality events that provide engineering and computer science educators the opportunity to network and showcase peer-reviewed scholarly contributions in educational research and classroom practice.
The Myanmar Engineering Council and the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (Committee on Education in Engineering (CEIE) sponsored the International Conference on Engineering Education Accreditation (ICEEA 2023). The Conference deliberations were on the theme “Accelerating the Full Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development at all Levels through Engineering Education”. ICEEA 2023 was dedicated to exploring the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in engineering education. Plenary Speakers included representatives from many organizations involved with engineering program accreditation.
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh sponsored the Sympositum III with the theme ‘Education Imparts Competencies for Sustainable Development.” The first two installments of the symposium took place in 2019 and 2020 respectively. The two-day program consisted of four technical sessions, two plenary talks, 10 keynote talks, and an open discussion session on the new BAETE Accreditation Manual draft. The discussions delved into changes in the Bangladesh engineering education curriculum and how that will impact accreditation changes in the future. BAETE is a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord. Abstracts and speaker details are available online.
The Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) is a professional organization committed to fostering excellence and innovation in engineering education. The 33rd AAEE Annual Conference was titled, Future of Engineering Education, and showcased the latest innovations and advancements as well as future trends in engineering education. The conference was held in hybrid mode. Papers and abstracts may be downloaded here.
A gathering of stakeholders and leaders in engineering education, with representatives from institutions, industry, nonprofits, and governments coming together to promote pedagogy and impact engineering education on a global scale.
The 6th African Engineering Conference had the theme “Accelerating Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Africa Together," and was attended by over 600 engineering participants from 21 African countries. Some speakers emphasized the need for development of standards in engineering education. As an example, the president of the Federal of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO) announced a pilot scheme to create a West African Engineering Professionals Harmonisation and Accreditation Council (WAEPHAC).
The 2022 ASIIN Global Conference had the theme "Reinventing Higher Education Quality Assurance for our time - no stone left unturned." The agenda included presentations, plenary sessions, forum discussions and workshops that stimulated in-depth discussion between the participants which included representatives of the national and international Higher Education community, quality management staff of HEIs, representatives of international Quality Assurance Agencies, and others.
The 2022 International Engineering Alliance meeting focused on a range of topics related to accreditation including sessions related to establishing and refining the core roles and key priorities of the IEA as an entity that provides for quality assurance, mutual recognition and mobility within the global engineering profession. Discussions focused on revised Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies and covered the resulting impacts for signatories/members to the accords and agreements.
The European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Annual Conference is a scientific conference focused on Engineering Education and the biggest event of this type in Europe. SEFI Annual Conferences are a unique opportunity for professors, students, industry and professional organizations to exchange their views and to meet their peers and create a European network of contacts. The topics of the conferences reflect the objectives of the society and the priorities identified by its members.
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