2025 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education

Conferences offer Accreditation Insights

Conferences are a great way for those involved with program accredition to meet with others to consider processes, regularions, and areas of focus. EDUNINE, is an example, and is the annual conference of the IEEE Education Society organized jointly with COPEC for Region 9 (Latin America). The 2025 theme is "Education in the Age of Generative AI: Embracing Digital Transformation." This years event will be held March 23-26 in Montevideo, Uruguay and will be held in a hybrid format, offering both virtual and in-person participation.

Some conferences, like EDUNINE cover a wide range of topics related to engineering education, but may offer workshops or speakers focused on accreditation. Other conferences are specific to accreditation and often are established regionally so those involved can share best practices between different countries. Accreditation.org maintains a directory of global conferences related to engineering and computing education and accreditation. Be sure to check back regularly for updates, as well as access to papers and recordings of plenary speakers and workshops.
