The Seoul Accord is a multi-lateral mutual-recognition agreement among agencies responsible for accreditation or recognition of computing and IT-related qualifications. Membership (called being a signatory) is voluntary, but the signatories are committed to development and recognition of good practice in Computing and IT-related education.
Under the initiative and leadership of six Founding Signatories-ABEEK (Republic of Korea), ABET Inc. (USA), ACS (Australia), BCS (United Kingdom), CIPS (Canada) and JABEE (Japan)-the Seoul Accord was launched on December 6th, 2008. On June 20th, 2009 the Seoul Accord, Signatoryship of which is open to all equivalent accreditation agencies and/or institutions worldwide, was joined by two more Signatories-HKIE (Hong Kong China) and IEET (Chinese Taipei). In 2021 the Consejo de Acreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (Mexico) also became a full signatory. Several organizations hold provisional status.
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