The accreditation body for Nigeria, the Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), is the most recent signatory of the Washington Accord, with provisional status as of June 14, 2023. According to COREN President, Professor Sadiq Abubakar, the organization expressed initial interest in becoming a member of the Washington Accord in 2018 and officially submitted its application in 2019. Initially, COREN did not receive enough votes for provisional acceptance and so underwent a series of efforts to exhibit a commitment to the standards of the Accord. COREN organized and hosted “Train-the-Trainers” workshops with a focus on outcome-based standards, and trained 545 individuals. In addition, outcome-based assessment evaluators workshops were held, and 307 program evaluators underwent training. With these efforts, COREN was recently admitted as a provisional signatory and is looking forward to implementing accreditation efforts under the new guidelines. The announcement was made at the June International Engineering Alliance meeting held in Taiwan. A video of the announcement is available.
The organization is concurrently working toward signatory status of both the Sydney and Dublin Accords. View our Accord page for more information about program accreditation accords.
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