Spotlight: NBA India Hosts International Engineering Alliance Annual Meeting

Accord Signatories Gather for IEA Annual Meeting

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA India) recently hosted the 2024 International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Annual Meeting in Gurugram, India. International Engineering Alliance meetings can be attended by representatives of accreditation bodies who are permanent or provisional signatories to accords or agreements maintained by the IEA, such as the Washington, Sydney, and Dublin Accords. Representatives of accreditation bodies who are prospective signatories occasionally attend with prior permission.

As part of the 2024 event, participants attended sessions on virtual accreditation, reporting issues, best practices and mobility, and quality assurance. General business meetings for each accord were also held.

NBA was established in 1987, and is the major program accrediting body in India. NBA has been a full signatory member of the Washington Accord since 2014.

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