Spotlight on Accreditation

Featured News and Content puts a spotlight on recent news, resources, and activities within the world of engineering and computing program accreditation.  We feature stories that will help site visitors gain a little more perspective on the process and benefits of program accreditation.  The most recent spotlight is accessible from our homepage, while an archive of articles is searchable below.

Spotlight Articles

Training for Nigerian Evaluators of Outcome-based Engineering Education

The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has begun training for program evaluators of outcome-based education (OBE) for engineering accreditation in Nigeria’s higher institutions.

A look back at international engineering alliances and agreements

The International Engineering Alliance has developed an historical document, "A History of the International Engineering Alliance and its Constituent Agreements: Toward Global Engineering Education and Professional Competence Standards."

Paris Meeting Addresses Engineering Education in the Post-Covid Era

The ASIIN-FIGURE Global Conference 2021 "Digitalisation – Innovation – Competitiveness in the Post-Covid Era: European and Global Higher Education reinventing itself"

Spotlight on the Sydney Accord

The Sydney Accord was pioneered by the Engineering Council of the UK (ECUK) and signed in 2001, and recognizes the equivalency of degrees for engineering technologists or incorporated engineers in the signatory countries. It supported the global professional role of engineering technologists as part of broader engineering teams.

EC to Evaluate Future Possibilities in Engineering Education

Engineers Canada is in the process of developing a benchmarking report to understand the various types of accreditation systems, and determine how the Canadian engineering accreditation system compares. The organization seeks to understand both the current landscape and the future possibilities in engineering education.

Times Higher Education Article

Times Higher Education (THE) recently ran an article, “Science editor: scrap top US accreditor to widen student outlook,” suggesting that accreditation guidelines developed by the US accrediting body, ABET, hinder well-rounded strategies to fight major social burdens. The article calls for the “abolition of the top US accreditor of science and engineering programs.

Cybersecurity Program Accreditation

As programs in engineering, engineering technology, and computing change or expand, accreditation of new programs also evolves. A recent trend is the accreditation of cybersecurity programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, which is increasing globally in the computing realm. As more and more universities offer these degrees, accrediting bodies have reacted by developing accreditation standards.

EUR-ACE® Going Global

The ENAEE General Assembly recently approved a document outlining standards and procedures which agencies authorized by ENAEE to award the EUR-ACE® label should follow when performing transnational accreditation, and the accreditation of international double or joint degrees. The document, signed in September 2020, notes that ENAEE favors the extension of the EUR-ACE system outside the European Higher Education Area.

India COVID Enrollments and Accreditation

In India, declines in admissions for engineering programs impact ranking and accreditation because the accrediting agencies consider the intake of students for calculating faculty ratios, not enrollments. Some universities are trimming their intake to have better ranking and rating points.

Spotlight on the Lima Accord

The Lima Accord is a multilateral agreement amongst Latin American and Caribbean organizations that are responsible for the voluntary accreditation of undergraduate engineering programs within their respective jurisdictions. Signatories are committed to the development and recognition of good practices in the delivery of engineering programs.