Spotlight on Accreditation

Featured News and Content puts a spotlight on recent news, resources, and activities within the world of engineering and computing program accreditation.  We feature stories that will help site visitors gain a little more perspective on the process and benefits of program accreditation.  The most recent spotlight is accessible from our homepage, while an archive of articles is searchable below.

Spotlight Articles

Spotlight on Accreditation Conferences provides a directory of conferences around the globe that focus either wholly or partially on engineering program accreditation.

Agreements support recognition of international accreditation credentials.

Several international engineering and computing accords, labels, and agreements are integral to maintaining consistency in the accreditation process around the world.

Accreditation of Online Programs Supports Remote Students

Charles Darwin University has become Australia’s first and only university accredited to offer 100 per cent online engineering courses.

Engineering Dean Outlines Why Accreditation Matters

Ensuring all engineering undergraduate degrees are accredited at the program level is a top priority for UAH-Huntsville.

Engineers Canada Investigates Accreditation Needs of the Future

Engineers Canada has launched a member initiative to investigate and validate the purpose and scope of accreditation.

Indonesia and Mexico now full signatories of the Washington Accord.

In 2022, two accrediting bodies have been advanced to full signatory status in the Washington Accord, and one was added provisionally.

India Encourages Majority of Programs to be Accredited

India's AICTE requires universities to accredit at least 60% of their programs by the National Board of Accreditation....but are all universities following the guidelines?

Engineering. Making Life Happen.

The organization which accredits engineering programs in Australia, Engineers Australia, has launched a promotional campaign to showcase the pivotal role of engineering to society and the profound effects it has on our lives.

Ethics Report and Survey Issued by Engineering Council

A new engineering ethics report, seeks to ensure that ethical culture and practice become embedded in the engineering profession in the same way as health and safety considerations.

Recommended Changes to Criteria Released for Review

ABET has shared some changes they are considering for engineering, engineering technology and computing accreditation criteria.