Accrediting Bodies

Who is responsible for program accreditation?

Accreditation of programs in engineering, engineering technology and computing is conducted by many organizations, ranging from governmental or quasi governmental bodies to private and volunteer associations. In some regions, accreditation is regulated by laws, while in others it is a voluntary process with little official recognition. Recognition of accrediting bodies is similarly made in some places by local or national governmental agencies, and in others, by voluntary associations of existing accrediting bodies.

Many accrediting bodies are limited to institutions in a single country, while others engage in accreditation outside the country where they have been established or incorporated. The following is a list of accrediting bodies, as well as an option to view a list by country.  Selecting the name of the organization will provide a page with further details, links, and a list of associated accords and agreements. 

Accrediting Organizations

Select a country below to limit the list of accrediting bodies to those currently accrediting programs in a specific country.



Accrediting in: Cyprus

The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) is responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education in Cyprus and for supporting the continuous improvement and upgrading of higher education institutions (HEIs) and their programs of study through the procedures provided by the relevant legislation. 


Saudi Arabia

Accrediting in: Saudi Arabia

The Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC) develops, approves and implements systems for evaluation and accreditation, including evaluation and accreditation of both institutions and programs, in the field of education and training in Saudi Arabia.  In 2018, the organization reviewed and developed updated program accreditation standards, and began the process of reviewing and awarding both provisional and full accreditation status to universities within Saudi Arabia. In 2022, ETEC became a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord, and a full signatory of the Seoul Accord


United Kingdom

Accrediting in: United Kingdom, Australia, Brunei, China, France, Greece, Guyana, Hong Kong S.A.R., China, Hungary, India, Ireland, Jordan, Macao S.A.R., China, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, Netherlands, Oman, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates

The Engineering Council (EC) is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. Its Engineering Accreditation Board (AB) is made up of all the professional engineering institutions that are licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit academic programs for both Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer status. The aim of EAB is to encourage consistent accreditation processes and practices as well as to provide a single point of contact to facilitate joint accreditation visits, where appropriate, for member PEIs.


South Africa

Accrediting in: South Africa
The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) is a statutory body established in 2000. The ECSA's core functions are the accreditation of engineering programmes, registration of persons as professionals in specified categories, and the regulation of the practice of registered persons. Degrees are accredited on a five year cycle. There are two committees who oversee two separate program levels: University Accreditation Committee (UAC) and the Technikon Accreditation Committee (TAC).



Accrediting in: Türkiye

Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK), is a non-governmental organization operating for the purpose of contributing to the enhancement of quality of engineering education by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in various disciplines. Except MÜDEK administrative staff, all individuals who participate in MÜDEK boards, committees, working groups, and accreditation evaluation teams work on voluntary basis without any salary.


New Zealand

Accrediting in: New Zealand, Fiji
Engineering New Zealand is a non-profit membership organisation that promotes the integrity and interests of members, the profession, and the industry. The organization accredits four-year engineering degrees, three-year engineering technology degrees, and two year engineering diplomas. Both provisional and full accreditation are granted. Provisional accreditation indicates that full accreditation is expected but not guaranteed.



Accrediting in: Australia, Hong Kong S.A.R., China, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam

The Australian Engineering Accreditation Centre (AEAC) evaluates engineering programs at the levels of Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, and Engineering Associate. Competency Standards are published as a foundation reference for part of the assessment process and set out the generic competencies deemed to be essential for an individual to commence practice in the appropriate occupational category.



Accrediting in: Kenya
The Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) is a statutory body established in 2011 that has the overall mandate of developing and regulating engineering practice in Kenya. The Board is mandated with the responsibility of regulating standards in the engineering profession and building capacity for individual engineers and engineering firms. The Board also registers engineers and engineering firms and regulates their conduct for improved performance of the engineering profession.



Accrediting in: Canada

Engineers Canada upholds the honour, integrity, and interests of the engineering profession by supporting consistent high standards in the regulation of engineering, encouraging the growth of the profession in Canada, and inspiring public confidence. As part of its work, Engineers Canada accredits Canadian undergraduate programs in engineering. Students who receive a degree from an accredited engineering program meet the academic requirements needed to become licensed with Canada’s engineering regulators.



Accrediting in: Ireland

Engineers Ireland undertakes accreditation visits to universities and institutes of technology to ensure engineering and engineering technology programmes meet international standards. Engineers Ireland focuses on programmes designed to meet the education standard required to achieve the professional titles of Chartered Engineer, Associate Engineer and Engineering Technician. The criteria are based on programme outcomes, programme areas and programme management criteria. Engineers Ireland introduced new Accreditation Criteria in January 2021.



Accrediting in: Finland
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent agency responsible for the evaluation of education. It operates as a separate unit within the Finnish National Agency for Education. FINEEC is responsible for the evaluation of education provided by universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Finland. The three key evaluation types are the quality audits of higher education institutions (HEIs), thematic evaluations and engineering degree programme reviews. Taking part in the review is voluntary for higher education institutions and study programmes.



Accrediting in: Germany

The German Accreditation Council (GAC)(Akkreditierungsrat) is an independent body responsible for the accreditation of quality assurance agencies and programs in the German higher education system. The tasks of the foundation were laid down in a Interstate Treaty on the organization of a joint accreditation system to ensure the quality of teaching and learning at German higher education institutions, as agreed by the 16 states in 2017.

Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen



Accrediting in: Germany

AQAS e. V. is a non-profit association founded by universities in Germany in 2002, which is approved in Germany and Europe to carry out external assessment procedures for universities. Members of the association are currently 92 national and international universities and technical colleges as well as a scientific society. AQAS carries out assessment procedures for program accreditation in all disciplines and for system accreditation.


Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR China

Accrediting in: Hong Kong S.A.R., China, Macao S.A.R., China

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers promotes the professional standing, interests and technical standards of local engineers across a broad spectrum of engineering specialisations. HKIE has developed accreditation criteria for engineering degree, higher diploma, and computer science programmes. Programs are accredited for a period up to five years.



Accrediting in: Hungary
The Hungarian Accreditation Committee is a national-level, independent body of experts tasked with the external evaluation of the quality of educational and related research activities and the internal quality assurance (QA) systems of higher education institutions in Hungary. The scope of work includes initial accreditation of bachelor and master programmes. The HAC may also evaluate running Bachelor and Master programmes if requested by an institution or the ministry.



Accrediting in: Indonesia

The Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) is an independent, non-profit organization founded as an autonomous part of the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII), to develop and foster quality culture in the management of engineering higher education. This is achieved by assurance that the Study Programs (or referred as Programs henceforth) are operated in compliance to minimum standards, and by encouraging continuous quality improvement in engineering higher education institutions.



Accrediting in: Taiwan, China

The Institute of Engineering Education Taiawn (IEET) is a non-profit, non-government organization committed to accreditation of engineering and technology education programs in Taiwan. This includes setting accreditation criteria, training program evaluators, and supporting engineering and technology programs seeking accreditation. Accreditation is a peer-review process with a student-outcomes based orientation.


New Zealand

Accrediting in: New Zealand

IT Professionals NZ operates the IT industry's independent degree accreditation process, recognising and endorsing degree programmes that provide good pathways into industry and supporting international portability of qualifications. The accreditation process involves a comprehensive review of everything to do with a computing degree programme, including a multi-day campus visit by a panel of academic and industry experts.


Quatres Bornes

Accrediting in: Mauritius

The Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM) was developed in the 1960s and aims at fostering engineering science and its application in all engineering disciplines; ensuring the highest standard of service in engineering and improving the status and safeguard the interests of the engineering profession. The Institution holds and sponsor meetings aimed at the general advancement of its members and the public at large as well as promote exhibitions of engineering goods, machinery, systems and applications of engineering knowledge. IEM is a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord.


Sri Lanka

Accrediting in: Sri Lanka

The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) main focus activities include promoting the study of engineering and establishing and maintaining standards for engineering education by acting as an accreditation body. The Accreditation Board of the Institution sets out the policies, criteria and procedures related to the accreditation of the four and three year full time degree programmes and these are provided in detail in the respective accreditation manuals.



Accrediting in: Singapore
The Institution of Engineers, Singapore was formally established in 1966 as the national society of engineers in Singapore. The processes, policies and procedures for granting accreditation to engineering academic programmes by IES is administered by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) which accredits engineering programmes that are delivered and awarded in Singapore.



Accrediting in: Peru

ICACIT is an international accrediting agency specializing in undergraduate and graduate STEM and Architecture programs, with over 20 years of uninterrupted professional experience, committed to promoting the continuous improvement of educational quality in higher education in Latin America.

ICACIT has sought to be an important and leading player in Latin America, promoting challenging accreditation criteria for higher education institutions that aim for academic excellence in the comprehensive and quality education of graduates in the STEM and Architecture fields.



Accrediting in: Iraq
In Iraq, engineering programs are accredited by the Iraqi Council of Accreditation for Engineering Education (ICAEE) founded in 2015, as a subsidiary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

مجلس التعليم العالي



Accrediting in: Israel

The Council for Higher Education (CHE) is the official authority for higher education in Israel and determines policy for the higher education system. Accredited programs in Israel are divided into two main categories: A. Universities; and B. Other Institutions of Higher Education. The main powers of the CHE include authorizing a recognized institution to award an academic degree. Decisions can be awarded as permanent certification, or temporary certification for a pre-determined period of time, or alternatively non-renewal of certification.



Accrediting in: Japan

JABEE accredits education programs in the engineering, agriculture and science departments in higher education institutions fostering professionals. JABEE was established in 1999 to support fostering international professionals. Accreditation of JABEE is voluntary and is a third-party accreditation. Evaluations are conducted in cooperation with academic societies of engineering, agriculture and science. Accreditation of JABEE is neither qualification of individual students nor certification of education institutions.