Accrediting Bodies

Who is responsible for program accreditation?

Accreditation of programs in engineering, engineering technology and computing is conducted by many organizations, ranging from governmental or quasi governmental bodies to private and volunteer associations. In some regions, accreditation is regulated by laws, while in others it is a voluntary process with little official recognition. Recognition of accrediting bodies is similarly made in some places by local or national governmental agencies, and in others, by voluntary associations of existing accrediting bodies.

Many accrediting bodies are limited to institutions in a single country, while others engage in accreditation outside the country where they have been established or incorporated. The following is a list of accrediting bodies, as well as an option to view a list by country.  Selecting the name of the organization will provide a page with further details, links, and a list of associated accords and agreements. 

Accrediting Organizations

Select a country below to limit the list of accrediting bodies to those currently accrediting programs in a specific country.



Accrediting in: Malaysia

Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) is a professional body that gives Professional Recognition to Technologists and Technicians in related technology and technical fields. It also evaluates the quality and provides accreditation to technology programs in Malaysia through its Technology and Technical Accreditation Council (TTAC). Accreditation of programs is managed in conjunction with the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), and is voluntary.  As of 2024, MBOT is a full signatory of the Seoul Accord.



Accrediting in: Guyana

The National Accreditation Council of Guyana was been established by an Act of Parliament Act number 12 of 2004 The National Accreditation Act as the principal body in Guyana for conducting and advising on the accreditation and recognition of educational and training institutions, providers, programs and awards, whether foreign or national and for the promotion of the quality and standards of education and training in Guyana.

Agencia National De Evaluation de la Calidad Y Acreditacion



Accrediting in: Mexico, Spain

The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, ANECA, is a autonomous body whose aim is to provide external quality assurance for the Spanish higher education system and to contribute to its constant improvement through evaluation, certification and accreditation.


New Delhi

Accrediting in: India

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) in 1987, for periodic evaluations of technical institutions and programs. NBA has a process, parameters and criteria which are in line with the best international practices and oriented to assess the outcomes of the program. NBA has an outcome-based process of accreditation and the process is voluntary, and is fee based. NBA has been a full signatory member of the Washington Accord since 2014.

Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria


Buenos Aires

Accrediting in: Argentina

The National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) is a decentralized agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Argentina's Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. CONEAU was established to foster improvements of the university education in Argentina. Its institutional mission is to ensure and improve the quality of university degrees and institutions that operate in the Argentine university system through activities for the evaluation and accreditation of the quality of university education.



Accrediting in: Norway
NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) is an independent expert body under the Ministry of Education and Research. Its purpose is to control and develop the quality of Norwegian higher education institutions through the evaluation, accreditation and recognition of quality assurance systems, institutions and education programmes. When program accreditation or recognition has been granted, it is valid until NOKUT revokes, or the institution itself withdraws from the process.



Accrediting in: Pakistan

The Pakistan Engineering Council's main statutory functions include registration of engineers, the accreditation of engineering programmes offered by universities orinstitutions, managing of continuing professional development, assisting the Federal Government as a "think tank", establishing standards for engineering products and services, and safeguarding the interest of its members.



Accrediting in: Philippines

The PCS Information and Computing Accreditation Board (PICAB) was formed by the Philippine Computer Society (PCS), the oldest IT professional organization in the country and the second oldest in Asia. PCS is responsible for accreditation of computing programs in the Philippines using an outcomes-based system for computing and information technology education at the bachelor level.


Mandaluyong City

Accrediting in: Philippines

The Philippines Technological Council is an umbrella organization of thirteen professional engineering organizations in the Philippines which each represent a specific engineering field of practice. Its Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology focuses on the process of accrediting programs, to promote the continuous quality improvement of an engineering program and provide thresholds of quality assurance for accreditation.

Komisja Akredytacyjna Uczelni Technicznych



Accrediting in: Poland
The Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology (Komisja Akredytacyjna Uczelni Technicznych - KAUT) was establish by the Conference of Polish Universities of Technology in 2001 to enhance the quality of education at Polish technical universities. The Commission has established clear procedures for assessing the learning conditions and teaching methods of study programmes, the creation of conditions facilitating national and international exchange of students, and the promotion engineering degree programmes that meet high standards of quality.

Ordem dos Engenheiros



Accrediting in: Portugal
The Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE) is the entity responsible for the accreditation of engineers and engineering courses in Portugal. It has a goal to foster the development of education and training in engineering and participate in the evaluation of courses that give access to the profession. The organization supports an Admission and Qualification Council comprised of experts in the various fields of engineering to develop processes and oversee program accreditation.

Agenzia Quacing



Accrediting in: Italy, Tunisia

The Agenzia QUACING is the recognized accrediting body in Italy and was founded in 2010. Their accreditation criteria is based on the EUR-ACE® label model. QUACING is a Full Member of ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) and in 2012 announced their first accredited programs, which were also granted the EUR-ACE® label.



Accrediting in: Sweden

The Swedish Higher Education Authority evaluates all degree programs in Sweden. The objectives of UKÄ’s reviews are to assess the performance of the study programmes and contribute to the HEIs’ work with quality improvements in higher education and research. The aim of programme evaluations is to monitor the programmes’ outcomes and to contribute to the higher education institution’s own quality improvements for the reviewed programmes.


Toronto ON

Accrediting in: Canada
In 2019, the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB), which was an original signatory to the Dublin and Sydney Accords  was successfully merged with Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC). Current and past CTAB Accreditations, programs and related services are now provided exclusively by TAC.



Accrediting in: Thailand

The Thailand Accreditation Board of Engineering Education (TABEE) is a non-profit organization founded as an autonomous part of the Council of Engineers Thailand (COET). Since its founding, TABEE had been working closely with Thailand educational institutions, government and private sectors to develop the program accreditation system and promote outcome based program accreditation in Thailand.  In 2019, COET became a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord.



Accrediting in: Germany

The accreditation, certification and quality assurance institute ACQUIN is a registered association with recognized non-profit status. In addition to more than 150 universities in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Egypt, Mongolia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Lebanon, its members also include scientific professional associations.



Accrediting in: Romania, Ukraine

The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) was established in 2005 and is an autonomous public institution, of national interest, whose main mission is the external evaluation of the Romanian higher education’s quality, at the level of study programmes, as well as from the institutional point of view. ARACIS’ mission is to carry out the quality external evaluation of education provided by higher education institutions and by other organisations providing higher education study programmes, which operates in Romania.



Accrediting in: Uganda
The Uganda National Council for Higher Education provides accreditation of both universities and their programs leading to the award of bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctoral degrees, postgraduate diplomas and certificates, diplomas and certificates. Programs are reviewed for renewal at set intervals.