Accrediting Body Home Countries

Accrediting Body Home Countries

The following provides a geographical list of where major accrediting bodies are located.

Accrediting Bodies Home Countries

Sri Lanka

The Engineering Council (EC) is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. Its Engineering Accreditation Board (AB) is made up of all the professional engineering institutions that are licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit academic programs for both Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer status. The aim of EAB is to encourage consistent accreditation processes and practices as well as to provide a single point of contact to facilitate joint accreditation visits, where appropriate, for member PEIs. The Engineering Council sets and maintains the internationally

The Australian Computer Society has mission to advance professional excellence in information and communication technology, and provide accreditation for "information and communications technology." For the purpose of these Guidelines, the term "information and communications technology" means: "Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, including directly related subjects and technologies, and their use in analysis, design, construction and application of computer an ccommunications based systems."


The Swedish Higher Education Authority evaluates all degree programs in Sweden. The objectives of UKÄ’s reviews are to assess the performance of the study programmes and contribute to the HEIs’ work with quality improvements in higher education and research. The aim of programme evaluations is to monitor the programmes’ outcomes and to contribute to the higher education institution’s own quality improvements for the reviewed programmes.


ASIIN is a German accreditation agency specialised in accrediting degree programs from the fields of engineering, informatics/computer science, the natural sciences and mathematics at bachelor, Maser and PhD levels. Within an ASIIN programme accreditation procedure, it is possible to acquire specific quality seals (labels) for certain subjects in addition to the ASIIN seal. Currently, the EUR-ACE label for engineering and the Euro-Inf label for computer science and business informatics may be applied for with ASIIN program accreditation.

NOTE: Germany recently adopted a centralized

The Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance safeguards and promotes the quality of teaching and research at universities in Switzerland. It is independent, uses internationally recognised methods and is able to draw upon the knowledge and experience of leading experts. The AAQ develops guidelines and quality standards, conducts accreditation and evaluation procedures, and works at an international level. Programme accreditation procedures assess Bachelor and Master degree courses and continuing education programmes and are voluntary in Switzerland.

The CTI is an independent body, charged by French law since 1934, with evaluating all engineering training, developing the quality of training, promoting the title and the profession of engineer in France and abroad. The missions of the CTI include the evaluation of all engineering courses at French institutions issuing the title of graduate engineer. Since 2020, the CTI has also been in charge of evaluating Bachelor training from French engineering schools. On request, CTI also evaluates engineering programs at foreign establishments.


The Institute of Engineering Education Taiawn (IEET) is a non-profit, non-government organization committed to accreditation of engineering and technology education programs in Taiwan. This includes setting accreditation criteria, training program evaluators, and supporting engineering and technology programs seeking accreditation. Accreditation is a peer-review process with a student-outcomes based orientation. A program requests for IEET accreditation on a voluntary basis, and the accredited status is not permanent; it has to be renewed through periodic review to demonstrate the continuing


The Association for Engineering Education of Russia was one of the founding members of the Independent Accreditation Center (IAC), which was the first non-governmental agency for the evaluation of engineering educational programs. In 2001 the AEER initiated the revision of the accreditation criteria and procedures to make them consistent with the world experience in quality assurance in higher education. In 2002, the AEER developed new criteria and procedures for public accreditation of engineering programs. AEER goals and tasks include the professional accreditation of engineering programmes


The Thailand Accreditation Board of Engineering Education (TABEE) is a non-profit organization founded as an autonomous part of the Council of Engineers Thailand (COET). Since its founding, TABEE had been working closely with Thailand educational institutions, government and private sectors to develop the program accreditation system and promote outcome based program accreditation in Thailand.  In 2019, COET became a provisional signatory of the Washington Accord.

Trinidad and Tobago

The Engineering Council (EC) is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. Its Engineering Accreditation Board (AB) is made up of all the professional engineering institutions that are licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit academic programs for both Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer status. The aim of EAB is to encourage consistent accreditation processes and practices as well as to provide a single point of contact to facilitate joint accreditation visits, where appropriate, for member PEIs. The Engineering Council sets and maintains the internationally


The CTI is an independent body, charged by French law since 1934, with evaluating all engineering training, developing the quality of training, promoting the title and the profession of engineer in France and abroad. The missions of the CTI include the evaluation of all engineering courses at French institutions issuing the title of graduate engineer. Since 2020, the CTI has also been in charge of evaluating Bachelor training from French engineering schools. On request, CTI also evaluates engineering programs at foreign establishments.

ASIIN is a German accreditation agency specialised in accrediting degree programs from the fields of engineering, informatics/computer science, the natural sciences and mathematics at bachelor, Maser and PhD levels. Within an ASIIN programme accreditation procedure, it is possible to acquire specific quality seals (labels) for certain subjects in addition to the ASIIN seal. Currently, the EUR-ACE label for engineering and the Euro-Inf label for computer science and business informatics may be applied for with ASIIN program accreditation.

NOTE: Germany recently adopted a centralized

The Agenzia QUACING is the recognized accrediting body in Italy and was founded in 2010. Their accreditation criteria is based on the EUR-ACE® label model. QUACING is a Full Member of ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) and in 2012 announced their first accredited programs, which were also granted the EUR-ACE® label. With respect to certification, accreditation also certifies that the expected learning outcomes at the end of the training process are consistent with the learning outcomes established in the EUR-ACE® Framework Standards.  QUACING also currently


ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental agency that accredits programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. They provide voluntary, specialized accreditation for post-secondary programs within degree-granting institutions already recognized by national or regional institutional accreditation agencies or national education authorities worldwide. ABET is engaged globally through four primary means: 1) accreditation of academic programs; 2) mutual recognition of accreditation organizations; 3) Memoranda of Understanding with accreditation/quality

The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) was established in 1970 with the mandate to regulate the practice of Engineering in all aspects and ramifications. The council carries out this mandate through the accreditation of engineering programs and other initiatives. At the end of the full process and a visitation, a program is granted either full or interim accreditation (for new programs which can run for two years and correct all deficiencies before a re-visitation.) Full program accreditation is for five years. In 2023, COREN became a provisional signatory of the

Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK), is a non-governmental organization operating for the purpose of contributing to the enhancement of quality of engineering education by means of the accreditation and evaluation of and providing information services for engineering education programs in various disciplines. Except MÜDEK administrative staff, all individuals who participate in MÜDEK boards, committees, working groups, and accreditation evaluation teams work on voluntary basis without any salary.


The Uganda National Council for Higher Education provides accreditation of both universities and their programs leading to the award of bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctoral degrees, postgraduate diplomas and certificates, diplomas and certificates. Programs are reviewed for renewal at set intervals. The group's Accreditation and Quality Assurance Committee is involved with the establishment and accreditation of public and private Tertiary Institutions, private Other Degree Awarding Institutions and private Universities; and the accreditation of the academic and professional programmes


The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) was established in 2005 and is an autonomous public institution, of national interest, whose main mission is the external evaluation of the Romanian higher education’s quality, at the level of study programmes, as well as from the institutional point of view. ARACIS’ mission is to carry out the quality external evaluation of education provided by higher education institutions and by other organisations providing higher education study programmes, which operates in Romania. In addition to program accreditation, the group

United Arab Emirates

The Engineering Council (EC) is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. Its Engineering Accreditation Board (AB) is made up of all the professional engineering institutions that are licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit academic programs for both Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer status. The aim of EAB is to encourage consistent accreditation processes and practices as well as to provide a single point of contact to facilitate joint accreditation visits, where appropriate, for member PEIs. The Engineering Council sets and maintains the internationally

The Australian Engineering Accreditation Centre (AEAC) evaluates engineering programs at the levels of Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, and Engineering Associate. Competency Standards are published as a foundation reference for part of the assessment process and set out the generic competencies deemed to be essential for an individual to commence practice in the appropriate occupational category. The standards cover knowledge, skills and engineering application abilities as well as professional skills, values and attitudes, and provide detailed indicators of attainment for each